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Small Hands to Big Plans 

Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation holds several events throughout the year. Our Small Hands to Big Plans Luncheon, held every Spring, is our signature fundraising event – highlighting student accomplishments and education excellence. Our 2021 luncheon had become a week of fundraising events! 


Thank you to all participants and donors!


​In October of 2013, SVSF performed its first-ever annual "All In For Kids" Fall Fundraising Clickathon!

Your donations are used to fund the Classroom Innovation Grant Program. SVSF's Classroom Grant program funds educators who have great ideas for new programs and ideas for inspiring young learners. Your small donation can make a big impact on district students. For example, in 2016, our foundation has received funding requests for more than $35,000 from SVSD teachers and was able to fund more than $15,000 in grants​! Let's continue to make it happen! THANK YOU!​​​ 

A Clickathon is exactly what it sounds like– we set a few dates that we want people to donate and then send links to our donation form via email and our Facebook page. You click on that link and donate a minimum of $25. You can forward the links we provide to anyone, even friends and family outside of the Valley.

Our next Clickathon could happen at any time so keep an eye out for the email or Facebook invites! With your donations, we will be able to enhance educational programs throughout the district. The goal of the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation (SVSF) is to support every student in every school in the Snoqualmie Valley. 

Keep informed on our next clickathon by liking us on Facebook.

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Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation All In For Valley Kids Phonathon “Will you answer the call?” used to be our annual fall fundraising event. Snoqualmie Valley School District students were dialing for donations to support the annual Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation Phonathon. Calls were made to all local families with ties to the Snoqualmie Valley School District usually in October. Proceeds went toward the foundation’s classroom innovation grants program and enrichment programs. We have replaced this with our Clickathon!

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​Movie Event

In January 2020, the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation hosted its ninth annual Movie Event at North Bend Theatre. The SVSF Movie is a great way to meet like-minded individuals that just want to laugh and have some fun for a couple of hours.

Keep informed on our next movie night by liking us on Facebook.

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​365 Club Events

Our 365 Club members have pledged to support SVSF with one dollar a day, year round. To participate, please download the pdf 365 Club Membership Form or select the Donate Now! button from the top right of the screen.

It was standing room only at Sigillo Cellars Winery Tasting Room on February 13, 2014, as the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation celebrated its 25th anniversary.  The packed crowd contained Founding Board Members, community leaders, District Administrators and educators, and long- time donors. 

In its 25 year history, the Foundation had been able to raise and provide back to the students and educators of the Snoqualmie Valley over 1 million dollars! Current and past recipients of funding from the SVSF provided testimonials and moving presentations on how the funding impacted Valley students in their SVSD education and beyond. Lisa King, SVSF Board member said about the evening, "from my perspective as a previous grant recipient, a donor, a business sponsor and current Board member, the evening was more than a celebration bringing old friends together; it was an affirmation that the long held mission of the Foundation- to assure opportunities and ensure excellence for every student is still viable and richly deserved." She added, "we owe thanks to a core group of parents, community leaders and educators who had the foresight and tenacity 25 years ago to begin a fledgling non-profit foundation run entirely by volunteers to help our students achieve their potential. We also owe thanks to the army of volunteers that have extended countless hours over the years and the businesses of our community that have sponsored our fundraising efforts. Open lines of communication and the team spirit of the Snoqualmie Valley School District has helped the Foundation target funding needs and open new areas of focus." 

Our children are our future, they will be the employees of our community, the educators of our children and the leaders of this community and beyond. We can think of no greater investment to make and we're proud to carry on the legacy entrusted to the current Board by the former members and founders. Congratulations, Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation, 25 years of assuring opportunities and ensuring excellence, the best is yet to come. 

Learn more about SVSF and about our next 365 Club event by liking us on Facebook.

© 2018 Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation, Ioana Constantin

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